Iniciando Seu Negócio de Organização Profissional
Há muito a ser feito quando decidimos iniciar o nosso negócio de organização profissional e para simplificar a sua vida, eu criei este checklist com os passos essenciais para você iniciar a sua carreira como personal organizer.
Clique no botão para acessar e baixar o checklist e começar a trabalhar já!
Ao seu sucesso,
Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Helena Alkhas.
I started organizing professionally in 2010 when a fellow mom from my kids’ school, on the verge of a family crisis due to her clutter, asked me for help. I quickly recognized that my skills were having a positive impact on her personal life.
That’s when I founded A Personal Organizer – Professional Organizing Services.
Early on, I realized I needed new skills to help me attract paying clients and that’s when I decided to invest in something I could do for free: online marketing.
As soon as I could, I started to invest in my education. The investment paid off and I grew my organizing business with clients I loved and that referred me to their families and friends.
Since 2010 I have taken courses and earned certificates from the best of the best in the online marketing and business industry. I keep myself updated through course updates, annual conferences, online groups, and masterminds, and I continuously test everything I learn on my business.
Over the years I built multiple sources of income, became an instructor, published author, an international speaker and consultant to Brazilian organizing businesses, and successfully launched an online marketing training for professional organizers.
My friends, colleagues, and clients come to me when they want to know what’s working, how to do something, and how to grow their organizing businesses.
Now, you can count on me to share everything I know with you.
Helena Alkhas é organizadora profissional, fundadora da empresa, A Personal Organizer e criadora do programa de treinamento online para personal organizers, o Profissão: Personal Organizer.
Formada em Direito -PUC-RJ- e com pós em Marketing e MBA pela Coppead/UFRJ, Helena trabalhou em empresas da Fortune 500, já viveu ao redor do mundo e hoje está estabelecida em Chicago, onde vive com sua família.
Helena é instrutora NAPO para organizadoras profissionais, formada pelo Institute of Challenging Disorganization (ICD) e pela NAPO – Associação Nacional de Profissionais de Organização e Produtividade nos Estados Unidos e oferece consultoria e treinamento para Personal Organizers ao redor do mundo.